Tuesday, May 18, 2010

status bar

status bar is information that is found on the bottom of your windows document in a graphical user interface

scroll bar

scroll bar is a tool that allows you to make your page document to go up and down whenever you want

tool bar

tool bar is a bar which contains many tools that can help in your document

menu bar

menu bar is a horizontal shape strip that contains many title for a specific program

title bar

title bar shows your title in the top of your documment

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Worksheet is a blank document in which you can write draw or create anything. {:


Workbook is a file in which you can store or enter any kind of data. (=


Range are different cells that works as one group. :)


Merge is when you combine an object or join in your document =]

Header Row

Header Row is the line of text at the top that repeats itself on the top of every page. :]

Grid Lines

Grid Lines are the horizontal and vertical lines on the spreadsheet. :)


A Filling is when you fill in the empty blanks. ;)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fill Handle

A fill handle is the small black square on the bottom right corner of the cell chosen. ;]

Cell Refrence

The Cell Refrence is the number and the row letter of the cell. :]

Ascending Order

Ascending order is when you list stuff from least to greatest or from greatest to least. ^.^

Active Cell

A active cell is the cell that you have selected and opened for editng. -.-'

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

thumb nails

thumb nails reduces the size of the pictures to organize them


thesaurus is a kind of dictionary that lets you see the synonymous of the word


template is different patterns used in the graphic arst of a document

super script

super script is any symbol or number or letter that appears smaller than a normal line


style can make your document more alive or better view and better for people to see

sizing handles

sizing handles is a way that you can choose the size of your selected image manually in your document


header is any kind of text that is placed on top of your document

hard column break

hard column breaks are paragraphs you break in order to keep them separated


graphics are the pictures that are shown in your document

foot note

foot note are text place in the bottom of the page in your document


footer is a material that is separated from the main body of the text and appears on the bottom of a printing page

end note

end note is a software used to manage bibliographies and references on your essays

drawing objects

drawing objects are symbols numbers or letters that you can put in your drawing document

drawing canvas

drawing canvas is a frame-like environment that can help you insert or arrange a drawing in your document

desktop publishing

desktop publishing combines a personal and a page layout software to create a publication document


crop can resize ,border and sharpen easier

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Clip Art

Clip Art are computer graphics that can be used to decorate a document.


A Banner is a faster way to load pages without the Ads.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What is a column ?

A column is a line that follows one another.

What is a row ?

A row is a line or data put into a straight line.

What is a cell ?

A cell is a part of the table where data can be put in.

What is a table?

A Table is a set of rows and columns where data can be put into it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


110000 = 48
101011 = 43
11111 = 31
111000 = 56

Friday, March 19, 2010

Extra Credit Project

A good website that can show you the assignments and work projects is SnapGrades.com . Snapgrades is a website that teachers and students can use to keep parents updated with the kids work and assignments missing. Its a faster way kids can know their grade so far and what they need to work on. It also shows your tardies and absences. Snapgrades is a useful and quicker way to let everyone know their progress so far.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


window is a applacation that your using or an applacation that your working on

tool bar

tool bar is where you can edit your work on your applacation

title bar

title bar is where you can look at what applacation you are using

task bar

task bar is when you launch and monitor your running applacation

scroll bar

scroll bar is a bar that lets you move the page up or down


restore is when you wipe out your memory from your computer and start all over again

pointing devise

pointing device is an interphase that can allow you to input statial


minimize is an icon which makes your screen page smaller

menu bar

menu bar is a place where you can acces all your data


menu is where you can see all of your applacations


maximize is an icon that can make the image of your computer bigger