Thursday, February 25, 2010

computer story

well when i was a young girl computers were different back there they used to have alot of wires that surronded the computer but that was because the technology back then was not advanced but as i grow up the technology got better for example when i was in 6th grade the compture started to change form it started to get smaller and then the memory size got smaller but it had alot of space to put any tipe of information i need but then as i got older so did the technology then when i was in 9th grade the computer whas known as a laptop a different kind of computer and a better one because the mouse was underneath the keyboard and the memory was so small that it could fit with the other devises inside the laptop and then the computers got parents told me when they were young the computers were real big like a tv and then you had to have alot of input devises in order to make the computer work and the computers back then was really expensive because that was alot of technology they could use for projects

Sunday, February 21, 2010

System Clock:

A System Clock is A time clock in a computer. It can also show that day.


A Scanner is a electronic device that represents an amout of Image of data put into a computer.

Read-Only Memory (ROM):

Read-Only Memory is content that can be read but NOT changed.

Random access memory (RAM):

Random Acess Memory is A computer memory that is used by programs to perform task when the computer is on.


A Pointer is A arrow that shows to a certain direction.


A Plotter is A device run by a computer used to draw pictures or plot graphs.

Output devices:

A Output Device is a computer hardware that gives out Information.

Optical Storage Devices :

Optical Storage Device is a term that refers to the storage of data.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Non-Impact Printers:

A Non-Impact Printer is A quiet printer that includes Ink-Jet Printers and Laser.

Mouse: Network drive:

A Network Drive is A Hard disk with Space thats shared with alot of Users on the Network.


A Motherboard is a thin board in a computer or electronic device.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Main Memory:

A Main Memory is part of a computer that stores operating software.

Instruction cycle (I-cycle): Keyboard:

A Instruction cycle is a period of time in which a computer processes a machine language from a memory.

Input Devices:

Input Devices are used to enter information into a computer.

Impact Printers:

Impact Printers are printers that print Mechanical Impacts.

Execution Cycle (E-Cycle) :

A Execution Cycle (E-Cycle) is a Hard Disk Drive.


A DVD is a disk that can store digital data such as Text, Music, Or Pictures.


A Controller is A part of a computer with a seperate circuit board, that allows the computer to use certain kind of outside devices.

Central Processing Unit (CPU):

A Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the part of the computer that controls all the other parts.


A CD-ROM is a compact disk that can hold alot Read-Only data in it.


A Byte is basically 8 bits of unit information in a computer .


A Bit is A basic unit of Information in computers and telecommunication. Is an amount of Information that is stored by a device.

American Standard Code For Information Interchange ( ASCII) :

A American Standard Code For Information Interchange Is A standard code of 128 7-bit combinations . Stored in a computer for characters or to transmit between computers.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Computer Information

What are the parts of a computer?
There are may parts to a computer for example:
1.Power Supply.
2.Heat Sink.
3.CD Rom Drive.
4.The Motherboard.
5.The Graphics Card.
And Lastly The HARD DRIVE.

Name 5 types of computers!
Five types of Computers ARE:
1. Laptop