Wednesday, March 24, 2010


110000 = 48
101011 = 43
11111 = 31
111000 = 56

Friday, March 19, 2010

Extra Credit Project

A good website that can show you the assignments and work projects is . Snapgrades is a website that teachers and students can use to keep parents updated with the kids work and assignments missing. Its a faster way kids can know their grade so far and what they need to work on. It also shows your tardies and absences. Snapgrades is a useful and quicker way to let everyone know their progress so far.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


window is a applacation that your using or an applacation that your working on

tool bar

tool bar is where you can edit your work on your applacation

title bar

title bar is where you can look at what applacation you are using

task bar

task bar is when you launch and monitor your running applacation

scroll bar

scroll bar is a bar that lets you move the page up or down


restore is when you wipe out your memory from your computer and start all over again

pointing devise

pointing device is an interphase that can allow you to input statial


minimize is an icon which makes your screen page smaller

menu bar

menu bar is a place where you can acces all your data


menu is where you can see all of your applacations


maximize is an icon that can make the image of your computer bigger


icon is a tool that you can click and then the computer automatically takes you to that place


folder is where you can move or put save data in the computer


desktop is the main screens with some icons in it


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Desktop :

A Desktop is a graphical computer screen that shows the I-Cons and windows that will appear.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


unix is a system that was developed in 1969Add Image

system software

system software is designed to operate the computer hardware also to maintain a platform for running appliations

oprerating system

a operating system is a connection between software and user and is used to do managment and cordinates

network Operating System

network operating system is a system that has components that allow to serve other computers request


multitasking is when your comupter does two tasks at the same time


MS-DOS is a operating system for your personal computer

language translator

language translator is a speaker in your computer and the speaker tells you words that you dodnt know and he will translate in your language

graphical user interface

graphical user interface is a user interface that lets you go into more programs in a better way


boot is when you start or restart your computer

applications software

application software is a software that helps you do one or two tasks in your computer


algorithm is a method to solve the problem using a series of instructions

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

coffee steps

this is how to make coffee first you plug in the coffee maker in the electricity slot next you put the paper in the coffee maker where you put the coffee powder then you take out the bowl in the coffee maker and fill it up with water (1liter) next you put the jar back in and finally you turn on the coffee maker on and wait until the coffee is ready and drink it.

what is a software

a software is a general term used to digitally store data like computer programs and other type of information.

Monday, March 1, 2010

what is a computer

a computer is a device that is used for performing calculations automatically

storage devises

storages devices are devices that you use to store information from the computer.

output devices

output devices are devices we use to get information out of the computer

input devices

input devices are devices we use to put information into the computer.